Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6: Democrat: Paul Simon

Name: Paul Simon

Office seeking: Pima County Justice of the Peace Precinct 6

Party registration: Democrat

Age: 50

Occupation/employer: Pima County Justice of the Peace

Family: Married 20 years. Two daughters. Two step-sons.

Religion: Jewish

Income: JP Salary is $95K

Residence: Pima County

Education: B.A Psychology (UC-San Diego); M.Ed.(University of Arizona); J.D.(University of Idaho)

Offices held/run for: Pima County Justice of the Peace (since 1997)
Civic activities/organizations: Board of Trustees, Congregation Anshei Israel; Supreme Court New Judge Orientation Training; Teen Moot Court Volunteer Judge; UA Law School Mentor Program

Why are you running? To continue my efforts to improve local court system

The biggest issue facing my constituents is: court access
Favorite local hangout: My house


How long have you lived in Arizona? 29 years

What kind of vehicle do you drive? What kind of mileage does it get? 2006 Toyota (25-30 mpg)

If I could have dinner with any living person, I would choose: Jerry Seinfeld

If I had my own reality show, it would be titled: "Judge Mental"

First job: Shoveling snow (25 cents/sidewalk)

Do you believe justices of the peace should be lawyers?

Ideally yes.

Do you believe the consolidated court should be dismantled so defendants and litigants are served closer to their homes?

Pima County is too large in size and population to be well-served by a Justice Court located in one location Downtown. As with all other essential governmental services the courts should be accessible within the community. This could be accomplished in Pima County while maintaining some level of administrative consolidation.

Given the sheer number of people who come through our courts, how do you/would you avoid an assembly-line mentality and ensure justice is served?

From the first day as a judge to the last day this is and always will be a challenge. You must take the time that is necessary with each case. You must relate to people as a human being, as a regular person. And you must use your experience and common sense.

"I can't believe that his first job was shoveling snow at 25 cents/sidewalk. He must be a very persistent man."

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